Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sneak Preview.....

We were fortunate enough to have the experience to get a sneak peek at Baby Booth this past weekend. The 3D/4D sonogram was fascinating! We were able to see that BB has high cheek bones and a cute little nose like daddy! How exciting to be able to see actual features of that little bean floating around in there! The tech was careful not to go too low because we didn't want to ruin the suprise of whether BB is a boy or a girl this close to delivery! Only 11 weeks to go!

We were able to see that the baby is positioned head down, which we are told is a good thing! The catch is that BB has it's butt and BOTH legs wedged up under my right rib cage (which could explain all the rib and back pain I have been feeling for the last month). It seems that the baby is pretty comfortable positioned there and not looking to move, so I am sure never to leave my heating pad or bottle of Tylenol too far behind!

We also had the opportunity to tour the hospital the other day and see where all the action is going to happen. I tried to sign up for my epidural right then and there, but they told me to wait until I was actually in labor to request one! Go figure! Travis knows that, secondary to getting me to the hospital, his biggest responsibility that day is to make sure I get my DRUGS!!!!

We posted a couple pictures from the sonogram below for your enjoyment!